Project description
We are the number 1 real estate listing aggregator in Belgium that provide renovation cost calculator to the listings helping buyers to make better decisions. We have created an eco-systems of real estate agents and renovation companies that can help home sellers and buyers in their specific situation.
Issue addressed by the project
Lack of transparency in real estate data and the growing demand for energy efficient properties
Solution(s) brought by the project
- - Centralized real estate platform with all the listing and where they appear in average 11 days before the competition - Renovation cost calculator linked to the properties - Eco-system of real estate agents and renovation companies to help seller and buyers in their specific situation
Project need(s)
- - Bring us in contact with sustainability experts for residential properties that could help us develop our sustainability model for residential properties - Marketing experts passionate about real estate and sustainability - Find strategic partners that are interested in joining our journey by investing in de company
More information
- Website