How does it work?
Mind & Market connects innovation to the market, creates the winning team to support the emergence of tomorrow's innovative companies.
Mind and Market connects innovation to the market, two worlds that are a little too far apart.
The market is often apprehended (too) late, with an offer that does not meet its expectations, and the lack of commercial and financial strategy of the project leader – scientist or technician – condemns the project to oblivion.
Do you want to develop innovative entrepreneurship in your ecosystem? Take part in the Mind & Market adventure and organize a Forum in your community!
Since 2009, we have been working on an event format that requires a small organising team and brings together stakeholders from your local entrepreneurial community to connect innovation to the market.
Mind & Market brings together local entrepreneurial ecosystems to connect innovation to the market.
Partnership relationships are built in a deliberate and proactive way so that innovations can emerge spontaneously within our environment. It is within this dynamic specific to the entrepreneurial ecosystems in which we operate that we should participate in the construction and evolution of partnerships through the years.
Mind & Market is an opportunity for your organisation to adhere to this logic of innovation through the mobilisation of shared resources.