
HealthTech Medical/health/well-being/medtech Virtual/Augmented reality Web technologies

Project description

Arspectra designs and develops Augmented Reality glasses and platforms, with a first focus on medical applications. Our technologies allow the visualization of medical data in the direct view of the specialist on the patient, enable a novel form of remote tele-assistance, and disrupt the existing state-of-art with unprecedented diagnostic navigation. Our solutions improve the performance and efficiency of the medical specialists while patients benefit of better medical care and procedure outcomes.

Issue addressed by the project

More and more medical data and patient information visualized around the operation tables, take the focus and concentration of the medical specialist away from the patient and actual target.

Solution(s) brought by the project

  • Insight AR visualizations
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Global implementation

Project need(s)

  • Passionate team members
  • Experienced mentors and investors
  • Outreach and distribution partners

More information

Arspectra medical AR

Event(s) in which the project participated