Mind & Market Forum in Louvain-la-Neuve – 15th edition

Tuesday 25/04/2023

A day dedicated to entrepreneurial innovation!

The Mind & Market Forum brings together the actors of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Walloon Brabant. For one day, come and meet innovative entrepreneurial projects and entrepreneurs from many sectors!

Mind & Market has been gathering a community of more than 6500 members, including 450 active projects for 15 years! Our objective has always been to connect innovation with the market and to deploy the entrepreneurial potential of Walloon ecosystems.

Why join us?


For one day, get inspired by entrepreneurs – new and experienced alike – who will come and share their entrepreneurial path with you! With more than 100 startups attending, discover and test the latest trends in innovation, network and enjoy a stimulating and friendly atmosphere!


Whether you have an innovative, daring or unusual idea – whether you are a new or experienced entrepreneur looking for advice and contacts – come and test your idea, and maximise your chances of creating a strong company with a high potential for success!

The various activities proposed during the Forum will allow you to challenge and boost your project/startup!

How to get involved?

  • Pitch sessions – introduce your project in front of a jury of experts, get constructive feedback and compete to become the laureate in your category to win many prizes,
  • Speed-meetings – come and meet business directors/and board members who will open their address books, as well as the most sought-after investors in Wallonia for those who are planning raising funds,
  • Brain bars – participate in collective intelligence workshops with experienced experts to overcome the obstacles you face in your project,
  • Boost Your Sales – increase your sales by having sales experts work for your startup for a few hours,
  • Innovation village – start a rapid prototyping process with experts and a lab, built especially to help you.
  • Startup Job Fair – get noticed by the student community to find the next recruit that will complete your teams,
  • Challenge Zone – with over 160 stands available, make your project visible in the exhibition area by presenting your innovation to visitors! Expand your network and generate new and unexpected opportunities!


Mind & Market accelerates innovation by connecting it to the market through our community of partners.

If you want to become a partner of the Forum, contact [email protected]


Programme of the Forum in Louvain-La-Neuve, 25 April 2023

Discover here the detailed programme of the 15th edition of the Mind & Market Forum!

Practical information

Date: 25 April 2023, open to the public from 12.30 pm Format: face-to-face Place: Aula Magna – Louvain-la-Neuve Registration: free. Click on “Participate in this Forum” on the event page.

The list of activities…

  • 9:00 – 12:00: Boost Your Sales – New!

Sales experts are available to help entrepreneurs find customers.

Reserved for project leaders and experts who participate in the activity.

  • 9.00 – 12.00: Speed-meetings

A 30′ meeting with business directors/administrators who will open their address books, as well as with reference financing actors in Wallonia for those who are planning raising funds.

Reserved for project leaders and experts participating in the activity.

  • 12.30 pm: Opening to the public
  • 13h00 : Keynote

Inspiring keynotes by successful entrepreneurs who will share their entrepreneurial journey.

Open to the public.

  • 14:00 – 17:00 : Pitch sessions

Pitch your project in front of a jury of experts where each project has 5′ to convince and 10′ of Q&A to receive constructive feedback.

Open to the public.

  • 14h00 – 17h00 : Brain bars

Collective intelligence workshops with experienced experts to solve problems encountered by project leaders.

Reserved for project leaders and experts participating in the activity.

  • 14:00 – 17:00 : Challenge Zone

A space for exhibition, presentation of projects and networking.

Open to the public.

14:00 – 17:00 : Innovillage – New! Start a rapid prototyping process with experts and a specially built lab.

Open to the public.

  • 17:40: Awards ceremony and drink

To discover the winners of the pitch and continue conversations and exchanges with the community.

Open to the public.

18:30 – 21:00 : Startup Job Fair – New! A space dedicated to the promotion of job offers for students looking for a job in a company / startup in Walloon Brabant.

Open to students.


As a project leader You would like to participate in one or more of the activities mentioned above?

  • Register now on the website by clicking on “Participate in this Forum” and then creating your profile or updating it if it is already on the Mind & Market platform. Registration closes on 11 April.

As an active visitor

  • Register now on www.mindandmarket.com as a participant by clicking on “Participate in this Forum” before 23 April to be able to benefit from the match-making activity and the rest of the programme.

To make sure you don’t miss anything, follow the progress of the projects on our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn pages!

About the project

Mind & Market is a collaboration between UCLouvain – Université catholique de Louvain and the business association Alliance Centre BW. Since 2009, Mind & Market has been supporting innovative entrepreneurial projects from all the economic and academic sectors in which the Forum is located.

- 12:00

Boost your Sales

- 12:00

Speed Meeting

- 13:00


Foyer du Lac

Prolongez les discussions et rencontrez les autres participants autour d’un lunch léger.

- 13:00

Ouverture des portes et accueil


L’entrée se fait par la place Raymond Lemaitre, 1.

- 14:00

Keynote inspirante

- 18:30

Challenge Zone

- 14:30

Workshop - Le réseautage : comment présenter son pitch et générer un rendez-vous

Foyer du Lac

Durant cet atelier vous découvrirez le trucs et astuces pour rendre votre message commercial plus efficace et découvrirez les pièges dans lequel il faut éviter de tomber.

Par Alain Bock de l’Alliance Centre BW.

- 15:30

Brain Bar

- 15:30

Booster son marketing

Entrée Congrès
- 20:30

Innovation Village

- 17:00


Foyer Royal

9 projets présentent leur innovation face à un jury avisé.

- 17:00

Apps et plateformes web

Salle Hocaille

Assistez à l’évaluation par un jury qualifié de la présentation de 10 projets mettant sur pied une app ou des plateformes web.

- 17:00

Alimentation - Agriculture

Salle Bruyères

10 projets dotés d’une dimension agroalimentaire importante sont présentés devant un jury d’expertes et d’entrepreneurs.

- 17:15

Services aux entreprises


Face à un jury expert, 11 projets spécialisés dans le service aux entreprises exposent leur projet.

- 17:15

Durabilité - Sociétal

Salle Biéreaux

Les présentations de 11 projets axés sur la durabilité et l’impact sociétal sont évalués par un jury expérimenté.

- 17:15


- 15:00

Workshop - Financement des startups: le rôle des business angels

Foyer du Lac

Tour des différentes sources de financement en Belgique: privés ou publics, dilutif vs non dilutif en apportant plus de précisions sur les critères d’évaluations des business angels.

Par Clothilde Annez de chez BeAngels

- 16:30

1,2,3 je me lance – toutes les démarches pour se lancer.

- 16:00

Workshop - Comment les solutions numériques peuvent contribuer au développement de ma Startup

Foyer du Lac

Cet atelier propose des solutions numériques innovantes pour améliorer les processus de start-up/entreprises et leur compétitivité. Echanges avec les participants, outils adaptés et supports seront également présentés pour aider les participants créer leur plan de développement numérique.

Par Emmanuel Jouany et Pascal Dehenain de chez Wallonie Entreprendre

- 17:00

Bien comprendre son marché

Entrée Congrès
- 17:00

Construire une équipe gagnante

Entrée Congrès
- 16:30

Workshop « L’entrepreneur et son soi intérieur »

- 17:00

Workshop « Mesurer et gérer son impact ESG en pratique »

- 19:15

Cérémonie de remise de prix et drink de clôture

- 20:30

Workshop - Décorcher un Job en 2023

Foyer Royal

Présentation et Q&A sur les étapes nécessaires pour décrocher un métier dans une start-up en 2023.

Par Damien Fabiano de Mars Petcare.