Description du projet
UCoachMe is a platform that creates a perfect match between the coach and the coachee. Firstly, it find the ideal coach who will be able to respond to the need expressed in terms of both content and form. Based on a recommendation system guided by artificial intelligence, the application will allow the trainee to express his or her need even if he or she cannot yet formulate it. Then, by cross-referencing the profile data between the coachee's needs and the coach's skills, a unique experience is created for both parties. By doing this, the coach can also prepare his sessions efficiently and interact with really interested users. "The right person, the right place, the right time. Don't wait and keep developing!"
Problématique abordée par le projet
Matching of coaching
Solution(s) offerte(s) par le projet
- No garbage investment in useless discussions
Besoin(s) du projet
- Developers (Back-end, Front-end, Hosting, ML/IA...)
- A marketing and business experts
- Investors to push the project to a more ambitious level
En savoir plus
- Site web