Description du projet
The main problem is low productivity of operational logistics at construction sites due to lack of automation, poor communication, organisational chaos and trouble with short-term planning. Logistics at a construction site is relatively rarely exposed in construction projects, which proves the underestimation of its role in project management. However, there is a need for careful planning and coordination of different disciplines on-site along with the application of lean construction principles to reduce waste & variability. ProperGate software helps to increase productivity and effectively manage operational logistics at construction sites by providing multiple functions as: automating & scheduling deliveries, booking & synchronizing deliveries with equipment & unloading spots, intelligent reporting and real-time statistics, minimising waste caused by internal miscommunications, providing hands-free communication channel, monitoring materials & decreasing CO2 emission and many more. Our app is user-friendly, all the new site managers we are presenting the system to are really impressed with simplicity and level of details and knowledge included in the system.
Problématique abordée par le projet
Solution(s) offerte(s) par le projet
Besoin(s) du projet
- Financement
- Mentoring/Parrainage (présenter le projet à des experts / entreprises)
- Accompagnement/Formation (quels domaines?)
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