Description du projet
Our machine decides a huge amount of problems among the citizens of any european city, especially Luxembourg. With our machine fresh and healthy products for a nice prices will be available for customers 24/7. Students who forget go shopping because of the exams can just get box of products with the receipe from machine and cook. Young mothers can not spend time anymore for shopping just get the box and have fun with her child while cooking at home. In the morning anybody who should be in a rush to the job can grab a healthy snack. How does the machine work? It consists of 2 parts: boxes with unspoiled food & fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy snacks. Vegetables will be refilled every day & boxes will be refilled every 4 days in our werehouse, drive to the machines by car, where customers can take it. Target group: o Students - available price for the products o Families (with kids) - for fun o Working mothers - saving time for spending it with her children o Young professionals - save their mind from choosing products in the shop among endless variaties o Athletes - fresh & healthy food o People who like cooking o Budget travallers
Problématique abordée par le projet
Solution(s) offerte(s) par le projet
Besoin(s) du projet
- Financement